How to Use Self-Hypnosis for Your Self-Improvement, Motivation, and Success

Perhaps you already know that hypnosis is extremely powerful and a good hypnotist can help you overcome problems and improve in various ways. But, finding a good hypnotist is both expensive and time consuming.

That is what makes self-hypnosis so popular all around the world.

What is it? When we knowingly hypnotize ourselves, it is self-hypnosis.

The real benefit of self-hypnosis is that you can choose very easily what improvements you want.

Self-hypnosis means you don’t have to visit an experienced hypnotist (there are not too many of them in India).

There are two simple and easy ways to do self-hypnosis:

  • Relax by using any technique that you like. For example, tense your whole body as much as you can, and then relax. Or better yet, tense one part of your body at a time and then let it go (let it relax). Say to yourself that you are relaxing, you are falling asleep. As you begin to feel quite relaxed, give yourself positive, empowering messages for change that you want to achieve.
  • Use a pre-recorded CD or cassette to guide yourself to a state of hypnosis and to get specific benefits based on the messages on the cassette. You can also create such a CD or cassette yourself. I’ll tell you how to create such a self-hypnosis CD or cassette some other  time.

To learn more how to use self-hypnosis to benefit from the unlimited power of your subconscious mind, I recommend  Genius CD and Awaken book

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