Why my friend’s son failed to get success (and the lesson for you)


Are you still preparing for a competitive exam?
Do you want to maximize success?
Are there simple things you can do towards your success?

My answer: YES. Let me tell you the story of my friend’s son.

Just yesterday I visited my old friend Rakesh ji in Ahmedabad. His son is really brilliant and is capable of (subject expertise) to be in top 200 in IIT-JEE. He was coming in top 10 in Ahmedabad coaching center. One of his friends who used to have rank in 30s got IITJEE rank of 500, but Rakesh ji’s son got rank about 4,900.

So, he missed out on IIT.

Really sad for him and his family.

And, unfortunate because he could have done much better. Because success was within his reach. Because god gave him the talent to do much more than his IITJEE rank showed.

Can you guess the reason for his failure?

I know of 2 main reasons and I meet so many bright students who fail because of these same 2 reasons:

  • Stress during exam days
  • Failure to sleep and rest well during exam days

One of the simple steps, as you can learn many in full detail in my course Mind Power Exam Maximizer is to take special care during the exam days. The easiest step to take is to sleep well.

If you go a bit deeper to find the real problem behind the exam day stress, it is the fear that if we fail, the future will not be as good as we dreamed and how we’ll show face and what we’ll tell our family, friends, teacher.

This negative line of thought is natural to occur because the problem is serious and failure will kill some dreams. Some people are more likely to get into this negative cycle of thinking than others.

Finally, the question: What can you do during the preparation to minimum such unfortunate failure for yourself?

The answer has two parts:

  • Part 1: to realize that even if you fail, you’ll find other options and you may have to modify your goals and dreams, but you can still succeed beyond your dreams. Just that the path will be different. You can learn mind power and study techniques (free).
  • Part 2: to use mind related tools that help you build powerful empowering beliefs and avoid negative beliefs. We have been offering Electronic Mind Machine. It is really good. You can order confidently because 2 PhDs have been done which prove that they work.

My best wishes for you to get the MAXIMUM SUCCESS you deserve without stress,

Raj Bapna

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