Topper’s 4 Keys

Bonus Chapter

Goals are the Seeds of Success: How One Man Changed From Failure To Great Success By Setting Big Goals

This is an inspiring story of Lou Holtz.

I am giving this story in detail because you can learn many things from it and benefit quickly.

Lou Holtz’s rank was 234 in his high school out of 278 students.

Finally, he coached 5 rugby-football teams in the USA, and in each case, he inherited a losing team and wound up taking the team to the finals at the national level in his second year as the team’s coach.

His ability to motivate and get the best out of people led to his achievements. He even got $15,000 per talk to executives at the top American companies.

Holtz says, “Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.”

In 1966, Holtz was 28 years old and was just appointed as an assistant coach at the University of South Carolina. His wife, Beth, was 8-month pregnant. The head coach at the university left to join another university. So, Holtz was left unemployed and struggling.

Then his wife bought a book, The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz. Holtz had not been motivated to do much

before that. The book said you should write down all the goals you want to achieve before you die. Holtz tried the exercise and listed 107 goals, including the following:

  • Have dinner in the White House with the President of the USA
  • Meet the Pope
  • Win American national championship in football
  • Be coach of the year
  • Jump out of an airplane
  • Go down in a submarine

Holtz says, “The more goals I wrote, the more excited I got. My whole life changed.”

Holtz was able to look at his dreams and fantasies and come out with a list of goals of exactly what he wanted to achieve. This list became a guide for him for the rest of his life.

Next, he read many times two books by football coaches: You Win With People and They Call Me Coach. Slowly he began to develop his understanding that he finally used while coaching his teams to super success.

Holtz says, “If people believe in themselves, they set bigger goals.”

To make his players believe in themselves, he gives them 3 rules to follow:

  • Do what is right.
  • Do your very best.
  • Treat others as you’d like to be treated.

He says, “If you do not do what is right, you do not feel good about yourself and you have a poor self-image in your subconscious mind. And if you have a poor self-image, you want other players and coaches to praise you and approve of you.”

Once this is understood by his players, he sits down with them to set goals. He asks, “What do you want to achieve? What can you do as a team? Here’s what I think we can achieve together.”

One of his players says, “Holtz says it is up to you, that you are competing not against another team but yourself.”

He has achieved 87 of the 107 goals and he feels he may never achieve the remaining 20, one of which is to “act as Tarzan in some film”.

This story tells how much someone can achieve by having well-defined goals.

You may also want to try this exercise: Write down all the goals that you would like to achieve in this lifetime.


This example was to show what is possible.

I recommend you have only a few goals. Perhaps up to 3 only.

The reason is that there is so much competition and that any success is hard. Achieving even a single goal is hard, so if we have too many goals, the chances of success reduces greatly.

One Student was Happy to Learn this Secret in 30 Minutes after 2 Day Journey and 5 Day Wait

About 6 years back I went to Bhopal to my in-laws’ house. On my return to Udaipur where I work at our Mind Power Research Institute, I came to know that one engineering student had been waiting for me for 5 days. He had traveled 2 days to reach our institute.

I immediately met him. He had read this book’s standard edition without the bonus chapter Topper’s Notes, benefited greatly, and decided to meet me to solve some of his problems. You will be surprised to know that he had written 2 full pages of questions regarding his problems and difficulties as a student and about his life.

In about half an hour, I taught him certain concepts to help him and as a result, his problems were automatically gone.

What was his problem

In short, most of his questions were about what others will think of him or his actions or his abilities and talents. His questions indicated that he had a great need for approval from others and he had a great need to be appreciated by others.

My answer was that you do not have to do anything. You do not have to be anything. You do not have to prove anything to anybody. Just do what you think is right.

His questions also showed that he wanted to be the best in many ways and he wanted to be an ideal person.

My answer was that such a thing is NOT possible. Nobody can be the best in many ways. Nobody can ever become an ideal person, though he may waste his life trying to be so.

The solution

I am giving these concepts here for your success, confidence, and happiness. I hope you will find them greatly helpful.

You do not have to impress your friends, teachers, or other people

You do not have to impress anyone. You do not have to impress your friends. You do not have to impress other people.

It is okay if people think that you are not very smart or very intelligent or very this and very that.

This will make you more relaxed.

You do not have to get the highest marks in any exams

The goal of learning subjects is to become knowledgeable. Even if you get low marks, that is okay. Marks do not seem to be related at all to your success in the job, business, life, and the eventual contributions that you make to society for the good of all.

You do not have to be good at everything

To be very successful, it is enough, and it is more than enough, to be good at one thing in life that society needs. Become good at just one thing and the world will reward you nicely.

You should learn communication skills (speaking, writing, and the English language)

It is because they benefit you for the whole life whereas other school and college knowledge may last just a semester or so.

Learn English well because it is an international language in addition to being India’s most important language.

Wake Up At Desired Time With Or Without Using Alarm Clock

This method is surprisingly easy. You simply use suggestions.

Before we proceed, let us understand that there are 2 steps involved in getting up in the morning:

Step 1: Become aware that it is time to wake up in the morning

This is the step that is covered by your alarm clock. When the alarm sounds, you become aware that it is time to get up. You also have to stop the alarm sound.

Step 2: Get out of your bed

This step is not covered by the alarm clock. That is why people set up an alarm to get up at 5 and still cannot get up. When the alarm sounds in the morning, they tell themselves, “It feels so good now in bed. I am enjoying sleep. The work can be slightly

delayed. I can do it later. Let me enjoy the sleep for some more time. It will not matter.”

So, they do not get up even after the alarm sounds.

Before Sleep

Just as you are about to fall asleep at night, give suggestions like these:

  • At 5 in the morning, I will become aware that it is time to wake up and I will wake up.
  • I will wake up at 5.
  • I will wake up easily at 5.
  • As soon as I become aware that it is morning, I will get up from the bed.
  • As I get up from the bed, I will feel refreshed and energized, and ready to study or work.
  • I always get up on time as per my plan.

After You Become Aware of Morning

Just as you become aware that it is time to get up in the morning, tell yourself suggestions like these:

  • I am so happy to get up early and do good work.
  • I have had good sleep. Now I must get up.
  • Let me get up quickly without delay.
  • Let me get up, stretch myself, and brush my teeth.
  • As I get up from the bed, I will feel refreshed and energized, and ready to study or work.

Begin A Good Habit Today

Please note that it will be helpful if you wake up at the same time every day.

If you are not already in the habit of getting up at the same time daily, you can begin today.

Imagine That You Have Already Achieved Success

Lie down on the bed, close your eyes, and relax for some time.

Imagine that you have already achieved what you want to achieve. A part of the mind called the subconscious mind cannot differentiate between a real experience and a vividly imagined experience.

So, from an imagined experience you get almost the same benefits that you get from the real experience as far as your mind is concerned.

How to make your experience of imagination as real as possible? The answer is: imagine what you will see, feel, hear, taste, and smell in reality. Imagine that you are seeing what you will see in reality. Imagine that you are smelling what you will smell in reality. Imagine that you are feeling what you will feel in reality. Imagine that you are hearing what you will hear in reality. Imagine that you are tasting what you will taste in reality.

Let me give you a simple exercise. If you have any goals, good. If you do not already have a goal, choose one for this exercise before you continue.

Imagine that you have already achieved that goal. Now see in imagination what you will see in reality if you achieve the goal. Now hear in your imagination what you will hear if you achieve the goal. Similarly, you need to feel, smell, and taste in imagination.

Suppose you want to get success in some competition. Close your eyes and imagine that some friend comes and calls you saying that you have got success. Imagine that he/she has also brought a newspaper declaring your success.

Such imagination helps you achieve your goals.

This is the Last Chapter of the Book
And, the Next Step:
You Must Practice At Least Some of What You Have Learnt.

Again Here’s the
Table to Content

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