Vipassana Meditation

Vipassana Mediation was Created by Buddha

by Miran Rijavec under CC BY 
Vipassana Mediation was Created by Buddha

Vipassana Meditation is the method of meditation that Buddha used himself that resulted in him becoming Buddha.

Vipassana Meditation is the method taught by Buddha to help people find god. Osho says that Vipassana has helped more people to become enlightened than any other method.

In modern times, Mr S N Goenka has popularized it. His organization conducts 10-day Vipassana meditation camp which is totally free of charge. They provide you place to stay and food for the 10 day period.

During these 10 days, you meditate in silence while being aware of your breath going in and coming out.

In this meditation, the whole goal is to be aware of your breathing. The awareness is to be for the whole time no matter what else you are doing.

For Goenka’s Vipassana meditaiton, please visit

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