New Challenge Increases IQ by 10 Points in 20 Days


Why is IQ So Important

Higher IQ Gives More Success in Exams and Jobs

Most Jobs Have Minimum IQ Requirement

Watch this video by Jordan Peterson. He shows what kinds of jobs are best for what level of IQ. He shows how our IQ is so much more important for the success than even the most experts realize.

Discover what type of jobs are the best for various IQ levels

Improving IQ Was Impossible Till Recently ...

Till recently, there was no method to increase IQ.

As you'll discover below, researchers in USA and Europe invented a new training that changed everything and finally it became possible (and even fun) to increase IQ by the huge amount (10 points).

Now ... A New Way

Now, training for 20 minutes a day increases your IQ by 10 points in just 20 days.

Seem unbelievable. But, it is true as you'll see the proof below.

More Success in the Exams, Interviews, and Business Meetings

Imagine you could improve your IQ and remember more whenever you are in a meeting or reading a book for 30 to 40 minutes.

How will it help you relate and connect all the facts and figures and concepts you learn, and so help you to remember better?

How will this better remembering help you get more success?

How will more focus help you make your dreams come true?

Welcome to the World of IQ

Raj Bapna photo

My name is Raj Bapna and I was born in Udaipur (Rajasthan), studied at IIT Kharagpur and BITS, Pilani, and worked Intel in California, USA

I've been helping students, business owners, and executives get more success for 25 years.

I am excited because anyone can improve your IQ and focus, and be more sure of success.

You Benefit in Just 3 Steps

Achieve a big increase of 10 IQ points. As we saw in the video above, 10 IQ points opens up so many new jobs you can do. And, the competition for those jobs is less than other jobs that require lower IQ.

You do the online training for about 20 minutes a day. As you practice, you automatically make progress and the training moves to higher level.

You improve in 3 steps:

  1. Beginner's Joy
  2. Valley of Patience
  3. Rapid Growth and Gains Consolidation to Your Higher Peak

Step 1: Beginner's Joy

First day, you'll learn the training. You'll notice big improvement within the first 2 days. This phase is real joy because you make such rapid progress even though you are a beginner.

Step 2: Valley of Patience

This phase needs your patience because you seem to not make any progress. This patience is needed for a week or so during which as you train daily, your brain is figuring out how to organize huge amounts on information in your memory during learning, on its own, without your conscious knowledge.

Step 3: Rapid Growth and Gains Consolidation to Your Higher Peak

Finally, your brain automatically learns to remember much more in memory during learning, and within days, you make such rapid progress to higher levels, you are both surprised and delighted at the same time with what you accomplish. You have reached to your higher peak. This is your reward for all the patience in phase 2.

How It Works

Each day, you play 20 rounds of the training. Each round takes about 1 minute and at the end of each round you get a score. Each round has 21 events. In each event, you hear the sound of an alphabet and see a red square in one of the 9 locations.

You take IQ test before and after about 20 days of training to measure the improvement. After that you can play less often or for shorter duration.

Here is how you start the training:

  1. Login to with your email and password.
  2. To begin the training, click or touch Start button play or press Spacebar. When you press the start button, it changes to Pause button pause.
  3. You see a red square appear every 3 seconds and you’ll also hear the sound of an alphabet. Your task is to remember the previous 1, previous 2, previous 3 events and identify if their is a match (full details inside membership).

Because the training is totally personalized and automated, you always play at the peak of your ability, and it is at this level that your memory capacity expands.

Research and Proof

One of the Most Important Breakthroughs in Psychology

In the 1890s, Hugo Munsterberg began writing about the application of psychology to industry, law, and other fields.

Even though the field of psychology has existed for over 125 years, and all these years psychologists have been trying to find ways to increase IQ because higher intelligence is so important for success, psychologists could not discover an effective way to increase IQ scores.

Now, finally, they have found a way and different teams have proven that it works repeatedly through various scientific studies.

Here are the results from IQBuilder type training from a famous Biohacker and his team member

Dave Asprey is the founder of and currently lives in Canada. At age 26, he made $6 million and was bankrupt at age 28. Now much older and wiser, he's been focused on increasing brain and body. He's advisor to many high powered people.

Here is part of an article from Dave's blog about his experiments with this type of training using another older software, which they no longer seem to recommend.

How To Add 2.75 IQ Points Per Hour of Training

The Wall Street Journal just publicized a scientifically proven technique you can use to increase your IQ: dual N-back exercises. This is one of the brain hacking techniques from The Bulletproof Executive program, and it's close to my heart because I've used it since 2009 with great success, boosting my IQ at least 18 points (I took standardized IQ tests before and after). Dave "only" gained 12 IQ points from it, but he didn't do as many sessions as I did, and he'd already raised his IQ with other methods.

From an efficiency perspective, that's incredible. I gained 2.75 IQ points for every hour of brain training I did.

N-back exercise is simple--a grid of 9 squares is presented on screen ...

Every few seconds one of the 8 squares of the grid (center one isn't used) lights up with a colored box and a letter is spoken aloud. This continues for 20 repetitions. Your goal is to press a key when the present location (visual) or letter spoken (audio) matches the one that occurred "N" ago. When you recognize a certain % of the repetitions by pressing the keys accurately, the software increases N by 1. You start with N = 2. One exercise consists of about 20 minutes of repeating the exercises. It doesn't really matter how high of "N" you reach--as long as you're challenged, you're raising your IQ.

Here's a graph of my N level for my first 20 sessions (total of just 6.5 hours of training):


See how long I was stuck at N = 4? It took my brain a few days to adapt and forge new neural pathways, but once I broke beyond 4, I was immediately able to process far more information--look at the graph skyrocket as my brain adapted to handling more information at once.

The best part about N-back training is that it's permanent. After the 20 sessions you see above I did no training for a full 8 months to see if I'd forget the skill and have to start over. The results were an astounding OPPOSITE of what I expected, as if my brain had further optimized itself during the 8 months off.

Here are my scores for another 14 sessions 8 months after I started the training:


My max N level is currently 9--a level I would not have dreamed of reaching when I was stuck between 3 and 4 for days and days.

I've used a Zeo to track my sleep patterns after N-back training to see what my brain was up to the following night. The result? Drastically higher REM sleep percentages, often between 30-40% of sleep--proof enough that the N-back training boosts brain optimization significantly. One night my REM even exceeded light:


So what does a higher IQ get you?

1. Faster problem solving

N-back training teaches your brain to juggle more factors at the same time than it could before. If you're trying to solve a problem, it's extremely useful to be able to remember all the factors you know at once. A classic example would be running through look ahead moves in a chess game. If you don't remember the 2nd and 3rd moves you planned, how can you design a strategy 5 moves ahead? N-back training is the answer.

2. A more insightful synthetic imagination

In Think And Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill talks about two kinds of imagination--synthetic imagination and creative imagination. Synthetic is the one we use the most, it's when our brains combine existing known information and derive new insights from it or see new patterns. Creative imagination is a bit different; creative involves flashes of insight that aren't necessarily related to what we already know. More on creative imagination later--I've noticed N-back training boosts my synthetic imagination significantly. After N-back training, you'll be able to solve every day problems and tasks faster and more easily because you'll "just see the answer," and your academic or career performance will soar.

3. A better memory

Dave first noticed the effects when he unconsciously memorized restaurant take-out orders for 10 family members so he could call them in. His family was floored but he didn't realize why until they told him they couldn't do it without writing things down. In both of our experiences, once you get new brain skills, there's no going back, and they immediately feel natural and like a part of you.

Highly recommended ... Dave's website and products ...

I love what Dave Asprey does to bring the latest practical research on brain/body through food and tools and techniques. I highly recommend every thing Dave offers. I have personally purchased a video training of 2 day live recording as well as "Brain Trainer" currently priced $895.

Here is link to Dave's bio. His focus is to deliver results rather than getting lost in "theoretical arguments".

Recently, a 12th Class Student Reached Level 8 and then Quickly to Level 10

You'll be surprised how quickly the progress can happen

Facebook screenshot showing level 8

Facebook screenshot showing level 10

Guarantee: Try It Risk-Free for 30 Days

Increase Your IQ by 10 Points or More in 30 Days OR Get 100% Money Back

Based on the scientific research and experience of so many of our customers, we are absolutely 100% sure that you will benefit, and that is why we offer you 100% risk-free 30 day money-back guarantee.

If you do not have your IQ higher by 10 points, you can ask for a courteous refund within 30 days of purchase.

The refund process is simple: all you have to do is send an email to [email protected] and tell me you used it for at least 20 days but did not benefit. I trust you and issue refund.

Pricing Starts at Rs 1,990

Choose the Right Option for You

IQ (20-Day Challenge)




Duration 1 Month 12 Months Life Time
Online Training: Complete training includes progress monitoring. This is online training and nothing physical shipped.

Booster #1: Improves Your Confidence and Reduces Your Stress
Booster #2: Improves Your Memory and Executive Function

Duration 1 Month 12 Months Life Time
Online Payment

Order =>
Rs 1990
Rs 2990
Rs 4990

For Payment in US$

For Platinum package, click below to order:
(You don't need PayPal account for payment)

You'll get the login details within a few hours to within 24 hours.

Here is What Happens After You Order

We get a message with details of your payment automatically. No need for you to message separately.

You'll get an email with login details in 24 hours of your order.

If you need help, email [email protected]

Watch this Video by Jordan Peterson
If You Have Not Watched It Yet

Mind Machine Lab, 59 Sector 4 Hiran Magri, Udaipur (Raj) - 313002
Support Email: [email protected]

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