The Winning Edge

Thanks to  Brain Tracy, the famous American author, for this adapted article.

Thousands of hours and millions of dollars have been spent studying the most successful people in different fields in our society.

… Today we know more about what it takes for you to be one of the best in the education, business or life than we have ever known before. And the most important thing we have learned in all these studies is that selling is more psychological than anything else.

The Key to High Performance
One of the most important concepts ever discovered in the field of human performance is called the “winning edge concept.” This concept or principle, states that, “small differences in ability can translate into enormous differences in results.” What it means is that if you become just a little bit better in certain critical areas of studies and exam, it can translate into big increases in the rank. In fact, you may be on the verge of a major step forward in your exam results at this very moment just by learning and practicing something new and different to what you have done before.

If a horse comes in first by a nose, it wins ten times the prize money of the horse that comes in second, even though the difference is only a nose, or perhaps a couple of inches, in a photo finish.

Small Differences Mean Big Rewards
Does this mean that the horse that wins by a nose is ten times faster than the horse that comes in second, by a nose? Of course not! Is the horse that wins by a nose twice as fast, or fifty percent faster, or ten percent faster? The answer is “no” to all of these. The horse that wins is only a nose faster, but it translates into ten times the prize money.

Get 100 or 1000 Times More Prestige, Fame, Power, Authority
By the same token, the student who gets into IAS, IIMs, IITs, etc have 100 times or even 1000 times more prestige, fame, power, authority than those who do not . Does this mean that he or she is 100 times better (100 times higher IQ or 100 times more hard work or 100 times more motivated, etc) than others?

The fact is that the he may not even be as good as some of his classmates, but just a bit more motivated or use better tools or techniques or coaching or books to do what it takes to get success in these extremely tough competitions. The student who gets into IAS, IIMs, IITs, etc, is in most cases, not vastly better than the students who do not. He or she merely has the “winning edge” and that translates into huge advantages in life.

Action Exercises
Now, here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.

First, identify the important things you do everyday as you prepare for your exam including what to learn new, what to revise, what mock tests to take, what techniques to continue to use, etc.

Second, select one specific area where you feel you are weak and make a plan to become absolutely excellent in this area. This decision alone could change your life.

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